The Art of Space Holding

Space holder is a term given to people, who hold a person or client’s process, whether that be somatic, mental, emotional, spiritual, physical or energetic.  It is a skill that is developed over time, through practise and observing humans and their emotional world. The space that is held is usually therapeutic and therefore held by therapists, coaches, teachers, guides, mediators and the like. The process of holding space is to feel, from a distance, within your own body and using your own intuition, when is the right time to intercept a client and ask questions, that could lead them further into an exploration of themselves. It is a delicate dance of listening to the client’s words, energy, body language and the meaning they attach to these things. There is a beauty attached to creating a comfortable physical environment, so aesthetically the space is important to, to help both Holder & Holdee feel relaxed.

As a Space Holder, I am tuning in to every micro movement and expression. Highly Sensitive People and Empaths make for fantastic Space Holders! We can often feel the emotions of the other, before they connect to them. We can gently guide people with the right words to release holding of their emotion, so they let go of tension and feel much lighter. We can gently invite them to go within themselves, to places they are usually too afraid to go. We can touch their soul in ways they can’t do alone. We can hold them in their vulnerability, with so much care, love and presence, which is so healing in itself. Nurturing their inner child, like the parent they never had. This can be done through coaching, massage, bodywork, therapy, teaching. It can be done in any place, where we as the holder of the container, give space for the recipient to feel. To breathe. To have mirrored, understood & empathised with, their greatest pain.

The magic of space holding is amplified when we work in Sacred Space. Sacred Space is when we call in the directions of the 4 winds, Mother Earth, Father Sky & all the animals and spirits, to help support and guide our intuition and the client’s process.  When we hold a great space, clients feel safe to feel and express, knowing that we’ve got them. Holding a bad space refers to clients feeling unsafe and unable to connect to parts of themselves that feel vulnerable and painful. The Holder may not be attuned to their needs or the energy of the client. Space Holding is an art and is only achieved when the Holder dedicates themselves to the practise of presence and open heartedness, placing the recipient in the centre of their attention and interest. It is a beautiful gift to receive a well- held space. As a receiver, I feel seen, loved, heard and accepted. I feel safe & contained and like I can be honest and expressive, without feeling judged. I wish for everyone to experience this gift and find a wonderful space to be their authentic selves.


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