Online Coaching

My Love, Sex & Relationship Coaching style uses a Tantric approach and is holistic, somatic and trauma- informed. We work with a desire- based system to explore resistance and blocks you may have to achieving your goals. Through powerful practices, we co- create a coaching experience helping you to uncover more of yourself and understand what is holding you back in life.

For couples, I will guide you through a set of proven sessions, connecting you in new and exciting ways, using transformational tools to elevate your intimacy! These life- changing techniques can be used in your relationship time and time again, as you incorporate them in to your everyday lives.

Explore my Online Coaching Packages Below

The Healthy Love Blueprint

Conscious Dating for Single Women

Find out more about this 6 month, self- love & empowerment journey!

Vibrant Intimacy: Embodied Bliss

Tantric Sex for Couples

Find out more about this 3 month Sacred Sexuality journey!

New Coaching Package for Singles Coming Soon. Singles looking to integrate Sacred Sexuality into their lives before meeting a new partner as a solo exploration. This online program consists of 6 sessions over 6 or 12 weeks, designed to connect men and women with their bodies, desire, eros and the love they have for themselves. Amazing relationships start by having a strong foundation to self. Improve your self connection so you know better what you want when you next enter into relationship. Use your single time wisely and don't wait to explore the magic of Tantra. Much of my Tantric exploration was solo to start, so you’re in good hands. Practices will involve self pleasure rituals, self- love, better sex and sacred sex practices! If you'd like more information, please reach out to me for a FREE discovery call! This new program will be released by the new year!